"use strict"; const common_vendor = require("../../../common/vendor.js"); const _sfc_main = { data() { return { title: "speech", value: "" }; }, onUnload() { this.value = ""; }, methods: { async startRecognize() { var options = {}; var that = this; options.engine = "baidu"; that.value = ""; plus.speech.startRecognize(options, function(s) { console.log(s); that.value += s; }, function(e) { console.log("语音识别失败:" + e.message); }); }, async startRecognizeEnglish() { var options = {}; var that = this; options.engine = "baidu"; options.lang = "en-us"; that.value = ""; plus.speech.startRecognize(options, function(s) { console.log(s); that.value += s; }, function(e) { console.log("语音识别失败:" + e.message); }); } } }; if (!Array) { const _easycom_page_head2 = common_vendor.resolveComponent("page-head"); _easycom_page_head2(); } const _easycom_page_head = () => "../../../components/page-head/page-head.js"; if (!Math) { _easycom_page_head(); } function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) { return { a: common_vendor.p({ title: $data.title }), b: $data.value, c: common_vendor.o((...args) => $options.startRecognize && $options.startRecognize(...args)) }; } const MiniProgramPage = /* @__PURE__ */ common_vendor._export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__file", "E:/xianyu/app/greenPro/platforms/app-plus/speech/speech.vue"]]); wx.createPage(MiniProgramPage);