/* global __resourceQuery */ "use strict"; if (typeof EventSource !== "function") { throw new Error( "Environment doesn't support lazy compilation (requires EventSource)" ); } var urlBase = decodeURIComponent(__resourceQuery.slice(1)); /** @type {EventSource | undefined} */ var activeEventSource; var activeKeys = new Map(); var errorHandlers = new Set(); var updateEventSource = function updateEventSource() { if (activeEventSource) activeEventSource.close(); if (activeKeys.size) { activeEventSource = new EventSource( urlBase + Array.from(activeKeys.keys()).join("@") ); /** * @this {EventSource} * @param {Event & { message?: string, filename?: string, lineno?: number, colno?: number, error?: Error }} event event */ activeEventSource.onerror = function (event) { errorHandlers.forEach(function (onError) { onError( new Error( "Problem communicating active modules to the server: " + event.message + " " + event.filename + ":" + event.lineno + ":" + event.colno + " " + event.error ) ); }); }; } else { activeEventSource = undefined; } }; /** * @param {{ data: string, onError: (err: Error) => void, active: boolean, module: module }} options options * @returns {() => void} function to destroy response */ exports.keepAlive = function (options) { var data = options.data; var onError = options.onError; var active = options.active; var module = options.module; errorHandlers.add(onError); var value = activeKeys.get(data) || 0; activeKeys.set(data, value + 1); if (value === 0) { updateEventSource(); } if (!active && !module.hot) { console.log( "Hot Module Replacement is not enabled. Waiting for process restart..." ); } return function () { errorHandlers.delete(onError); setTimeout(function () { var value = activeKeys.get(data); if (value === 1) { activeKeys.delete(data); updateEventSource(); } else { activeKeys.set(data, value - 1); } }, 1000); }; };