/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Ivan Kopeykin @vankop */ "use strict"; const InitFragment = require("../InitFragment"); const makeSerializable = require("../util/makeSerializable"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../Generator").GenerateContext} GenerateContext */ /** @typedef {import("../serialization/ObjectMiddleware").ObjectDeserializerContext} ObjectDeserializerContext */ /** @typedef {import("../serialization/ObjectMiddleware").ObjectSerializerContext} ObjectSerializerContext */ /** @typedef {Map>} ImportSpecifiers */ /** * @extends {InitFragment} */ class ExternalModuleInitFragment extends InitFragment { /** * @param {string} importedModule imported module * @param {Array<{ name: string, value?: string }> | ImportSpecifiers} specifiers import specifiers * @param {string=} defaultImport default import */ constructor(importedModule, specifiers, defaultImport) { super( undefined, InitFragment.STAGE_CONSTANTS, 0, `external module imports|${importedModule}|${defaultImport || "null"}` ); this.importedModule = importedModule; if (Array.isArray(specifiers)) { /** @type {ImportSpecifiers} */ this.specifiers = new Map(); for (const { name, value } of specifiers) { let specifiers = this.specifiers.get(name); if (!specifiers) { specifiers = new Set(); this.specifiers.set(name, specifiers); } specifiers.add(value || name); } } else { this.specifiers = specifiers; } this.defaultImport = defaultImport; } /** * @param {ExternalModuleInitFragment} other other * @returns {ExternalModuleInitFragment} ExternalModuleInitFragment */ merge(other) { const newSpecifiersMap = new Map(this.specifiers); for (const [name, specifiers] of other.specifiers) { if (newSpecifiersMap.has(name)) { const currentSpecifiers = /** @type {Set} */ (newSpecifiersMap.get(name)); for (const spec of specifiers) currentSpecifiers.add(spec); } else { newSpecifiersMap.set(name, specifiers); } } return new ExternalModuleInitFragment( this.importedModule, newSpecifiersMap, this.defaultImport ); } /** * @param {GenerateContext} context context * @returns {string | Source | undefined} the source code that will be included as initialization code */ getContent({ runtimeRequirements }) { const namedImports = []; for (const [name, specifiers] of this.specifiers) { for (const spec of specifiers) { if (spec === name) { namedImports.push(name); } else { namedImports.push(`${name} as ${spec}`); } } } let importsString = namedImports.length > 0 ? `{${namedImports.join(",")}}` : ""; if (this.defaultImport) { importsString = `${this.defaultImport}${ importsString ? `, ${importsString}` : "" }`; } return `import ${importsString} from ${JSON.stringify( this.importedModule )};`; } /** * @param {ObjectSerializerContext} context context */ serialize(context) { super.serialize(context); const { write } = context; write(this.importedModule); write(this.specifiers); write(this.defaultImport); } /** * @param {ObjectDeserializerContext} context context */ deserialize(context) { super.deserialize(context); const { read } = context; this.importedModule = read(); this.specifiers = read(); this.defaultImport = read(); } } makeSerializable( ExternalModuleInitFragment, "webpack/lib/dependencies/ExternalModuleInitFragment" ); module.exports = ExternalModuleInitFragment;