import Clipboard from '../src/clipboard'; describe('Clipboard', () => { before(() => { global.button = document.createElement('button'); global.button.setAttribute('class', 'btn'); global.button.setAttribute('data-clipboard-text', 'foo'); document.body.appendChild(global.button); global.span = document.createElement('span'); global.span.innerHTML = 'bar'; global.button.appendChild(span); global.event = { target: global.button, currentTarget: global.button, }; }); after(() => { document.body.innerHTML = ''; }); describe('#resolveOptions', () => { before(() => { global.fn = () => {}; }); it('should set action as a function', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn', { action: global.fn, }); assert.equal(global.fn, clipboard.action); }); it('should set target as a function', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn', { target: global.fn, }); assert.equal(global.fn,; }); it('should set text as a function', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn', { text: global.fn, }); assert.equal(global.fn, clipboard.text); }); it('should set container as an object', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn', { container: document.body, }); assert.equal(document.body, clipboard.container); }); it('should set container as body by default', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); assert.equal(document.body, clipboard.container); }); }); describe('#listenClick', () => { it('should add a click event listener to the passed selector', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); assert.isObject(clipboard.listener); }); }); describe('#onClick', () => { it('should init when called', (done) => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); clipboard.on('success', () => { done(); }); clipboard.onClick(global.event); }); it("should use an event's currentTarget when not equal to target", (done) => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); let bubbledEvent = { target: global.span, currentTarget: global.button, }; clipboard.on('success', () => { done(); }); clipboard.onClick(bubbledEvent); }); it('should throw an exception when target is invalid', (done) => { try { const clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn', { target() { return null; }, }); clipboard.onClick(global.event); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Invalid "target" value, use a valid Element'); done(); } }); }); describe('#static isSupported', () => { it('should return the support of the given action', () => { assert.equal(Clipboard.isSupported('copy'), true); assert.equal(Clipboard.isSupported('cut'), true); }); it('should return the support of the cut and copy actions', () => { assert.equal(Clipboard.isSupported(), true); }); }); describe('#static copy', () => { it('should copy in an programatic way based on text', () => { assert.equal(Clipboard.copy('lorem'), 'lorem'); }); it('should copy in an programatic way based on target', () => { assert.equal(Clipboard.copy(document.querySelector('span')), 'bar'); }); }); describe('#static cut', () => { it('should cut in an programatic way based on text', () => { assert.equal(Clipboard.cut(document.querySelector('span')), 'bar'); }); }); describe('#destroy', () => { it('should destroy an existing instance of ClipboardActionDefault', () => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); clipboard.onClick(global.event); clipboard.destroy(); assert.equal(clipboard.clipboardAction, null); }); }); describe('#events', () => { it('should fire a success event with certain properties', (done) => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); clipboard.on('success', (e) => {, 'action'); assert.equal(e.action, 'copy');, 'text');, 'trigger');, 'clearSelection'); done(); }); clipboard.onClick(global.event); }); }); describe('#clearSelection', () => { it('should clear text selection without moving focus', (done) => { let clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); clipboard.on('success', (e) => { e.clearSelection(); let selectedElem = document.activeElement; let selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); assert.equal(selectedElem, e.trigger); assert.equal(selectedText, ''); done(); }); clipboard.onClick(global.event); }); }); });