'use strict'; const JSON5 = require('json5'); const specialValues = { null: null, true: true, false: false, }; function parseQuery(query) { if (query.substr(0, 1) !== '?') { throw new Error( "A valid query string passed to parseQuery should begin with '?'" ); } query = query.substr(1); if (!query) { return {}; } if (query.substr(0, 1) === '{' && query.substr(-1) === '}') { return JSON5.parse(query); } const queryArgs = query.split(/[,&]/g); const result = Object.create(null); queryArgs.forEach((arg) => { const idx = arg.indexOf('='); if (idx >= 0) { let name = arg.substr(0, idx); let value = decodeURIComponent(arg.substr(idx + 1)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins if (specialValues.hasOwnProperty(value)) { value = specialValues[value]; } if (name.substr(-2) === '[]') { name = decodeURIComponent(name.substr(0, name.length - 2)); if (!Array.isArray(result[name])) { result[name] = []; } result[name].push(value); } else { name = decodeURIComponent(name); result[name] = value; } } else { if (arg.substr(0, 1) === '-') { result[decodeURIComponent(arg.substr(1))] = false; } else if (arg.substr(0, 1) === '+') { result[decodeURIComponent(arg.substr(1))] = true; } else { result[decodeURIComponent(arg)] = true; } } }); return result; } module.exports = parseQuery;